taurus the bull

Taurus, the second sign, ruled by Venus, represents enjoyment, stability and creativity. Very true to their earth element, Taurus natives really want to enjoy life, they value their possessions and beautiful things. Taureans can be very enduring, sometimes even complacent and lazy, as long as they have their comforts. Stubbornness is another Taurean trait. Taurus’s words are “I own”. After birth, and the first few months, you start to realize that you are a separate being, separate from your mother. You realize that you have your own body and as you grow you start forming your values, ideas, your own thoughts and own your own things. Aries, the first sign, represent your birth and your body, and Taurus represent what comes after that; it signifies the first 18 years of growing up. The values which you form growing up, and later, those that you come to hold as your own are represented by Taurus.

Taurus, the bull

It represents money, values, possessions and your clothes. Which are the things that I value most, that represent who I am? Do I tie my sense of security to things that I own, or to money? What does the clothes that I choose say about me? What relationship do I have to my possessions? Am I giving, generous or greedy? These are things that are connected to the sign of Taurus, and also to the second house of the birth chart, since Taurus was the original second house there are some overlap. Taurus represents enjoyment, pleasure, appreciation of beauty, sweet flavor, food, also nature and gardening. Taureans are often connoisseurs of fine wine and dining. Taurus represents the face, mouth, throat and the neck.

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Food for thought…
"We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together."— Terence McKenna
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