rahu ketu chenges signs november 2023

Rahu and Ketu changes signs November 28th

And what it means for each of the 12 signs!

☊ Rahu transits into Pisces ♓︎
☋ Ketu transits into Virgo ♍︎

One of the biggest shift of this season is finally here! The lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu are about to change signs, bringing a new beginning and potentially significant changes for us all, as a collective. The nodes are said to cause pivotal events or unexpected changes and are often linked with sudden realizations or changes in desires, and the surfacing of subconscious beliefs or patterns.

The nodes form powerful points of manifestation and could be described as the karmic axis of a horoscope, as they indicate what experiences the soul is here to learn, versus the lessons already gained in the past. However, when looking at the nodes by transit, they refer more to the current focus of our mind, what desires, obsessions (or illusions) are currently swaying the mind’s interest, or what experiences we might need at the current stage of our journey, versus what things we are currently feeling dissatisfied with or discontent with, or something which we strive to make perfect and find completeness with.

The lunar nodes changes signs every 1,5 years, so this means the end of the cycle that we’ve been in during the past 18 months. For the past 18 months the spotlight has been on self-development with Rahu in Aries, versus our ability to compromise within our relationships with Ketu in Libra. Now, the focus is shifting to mystical teachings and getting in tune with our deeper spirituality in Pisces versus maintaining order and effectiveness within our everyday commitments in Virgo, as the nodes change signs to the Pisces/Virgo axis.

This transit can show where we’re less than willing to do the hard work and what area of life we struggle to be of service. With Rahu moving into Pisces, this shift can also bring an inclination toward escapism, so keep that in mind and try to confront issues head-on rather than resort to wishful thinking or daydreaming.

Interpretations for each of the 12 signs!


This takes place in your your sixth house of service, efforts and health and your twelfth house of escapism and mysticism. Here you might feel the pull toward escapism with Rahu in your twelfth and more of a disinterest in things pertaining to your health, daily chores or routines which can feel like more of a chore than they usually do, or you might become more unwilling to put in the effort, asking yourself ‘is it really worth it?’. This could also pertain to relationships that you feel take a lot of effort maintaining and reflecting upon that.

Be mindful of your health, focus on maintaining healthy routines and take care to replenish your energy. This transit could also bring up past emotions or deep patterns that are ready to be released. It might also surface hidden emotions about your commitments and the sacrifices you make and how they make you feel. Do they feel worthwhile and meaningful, or do you wish to make changes to your commitments?


For you, this takes place in your fifth house of creativity, children and passion and your eleventh house of dreams, higher visions and friends. This transit of Ketu in your house of joy and creativity can be challenging in the sense that Ketu can be a ‘sharp’ and refining influence, making us lose interest in anything that is superfluous and expendable, often referred to as an influence of neglect. This is how Ketu operates in a higher sense, in order to get us back to the core and Ketu is also often called the most spiritual influence in astrology due to this fact. For you, this is a process of refining and purifying your passions and what truly inspires you. Should it feel like you’re losing your interests altogether during this time, fear not, you will come out of this transit with more clarity and regained purpose on the other side.

With Rahu in your eleventh house of gains and friendship, you may feel a stronger pull towards expanding your social circles, focusing on your higher dreams and how to manifest your vision; what potential talents you wish to share with the world. Now can be a time of changes in your social circles, new relationships forming, or new communities revealing themselves to you. You might begin to see someone in a new light, or suddenly feel drawn to change your social circles, or seek new acquaintances.


For you, this takes place in your fourth house of emotions, home and mother and your tenth house of career, work and recognition. With Rahu in your tenth house, you might feel a stronger pull towards focusing more on your work, or make changes pertaining to your work. Things might become more clear for you with your work, you might become more clear on what your goals are and what you are facing in your current work situation. If you’ve been felling dissatisfied or discontent with your work, this might surface during this time.

This transit of Ketu in your fourth house of emotions can be challenging as Ketu is often referred to as an influence of neglect. Mythologically, Ketu is blind and wherever it goes in our chart, it brings confusion. You might feel your emotions being all over the place, or uncertain about what or why you’re feeling the way you do during this transit. As Ketu lacks the usual sensory organs, it could instead force us to get more in touch with our intuition, so your sixth sense might become stronger during this time.

This transit of Ketu could make you more emotionally sensitive, or more nit-picky with the people or the situations you wish to surround yourself with. You might instead feel a greater pull toward the outer world here, of wanting to throw yourself into your work or managing your business, or just keeping busy as a way to compensate for the feeling of unrest that may inhabit your emotions or home life with Ketu in your fourth house, but try to keep a work-home life balance, and avoid bottling up your emotions during this time.


For you, this takes place in your third house of interests and close community and your ninth house of vision, beliefs and higher teachings, so for you this can bring an increased focus on these areas. This could be a time where you experience changes in your close community, with your siblings or your interests, perhaps the reviving of an interest from the past. Ketu’s laser sharp focus might also affect your communication style and make you more direct and to the point than usual.

As Rahu moves into Pisces, these changes can manifest as a growing interest in pursuing a new teaching, or where you find yourself searching for a new teacher, as this can bring changes to your beliefs or higher philosophies. If you’ve been feeling discontent or disillusioned by your teachers, or your higher visions or beliefs have begun to change, this can rise to the surface now. You may also feel more drawn to travel or go on a long journey (either an inner or an outer journey). This can be a time of new creative inspiration or new ideas rising.


For Leo, this takes place in your second house of values, family and assets and your eighth house of deep emotions, insecurities and transformation, so for you this can bring up issues related to those things. You might struggle with becoming clear on which way you wish to pursue, or there could be changes in your personal values happening now. Perhaps you are feeling ready to let things from the past go, either emotional patterns or old fears that might’ve been holding you back are now ready to be released. This is a time when old emotions, memories or insecurities can surface, and it might be an emotionally intense time for you. Focus on creating harmony and maintaining stability. Be mindful of your emotions, take note of what you feel, but be sure to release anything that doesn’t belong to you, as you may feel more sensitive at this time. You may feel your intuition becoming stronger during this time.

Ketu in your second house can bring into focus ideas or patterns that you may have around money or how you maintain your assets. You might feel ready to make peace with things from the past now, or letting issues from the past go. You may also become more clear on you values at this time, which values are truly yours, and which to leave behind, letting go of any old, outdated values that no longer feel aligned with the way you view the world today. It could also bring into focus your beliefs or patterns that you may hold about money or how you maintain your assets, and letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve you.


For you this takes place in your first house of your self, your body and vitality and your your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. This can be a time when you become a bit more selective with what you take in, whether that be the food you eat, or the energy you chose to surround yourself with. You might become a bit more selective with surrounding yourself with certain people, or become more discerning regarding the daily routines that you perform to replenish your energy. This could be a great time to take extra care of your health, or to sort out all the things that are not supporting your overall wellbeing.

As Rahu moves into Pisces in November, you might become more focused on your relationships or feel more pulled towards seeking new, stimulating relationships and focusing on building your close relationships or partnerships. You may experience either your personal, or business related, relationships taking a new direction or go through phases of change during this time. This could be a time where you become more in tune with what it is that you want from your partner, or which direction you wish to take the relationship.


For you this takes place in your sixth house of effort, routines and health and your twelfth house of sleep, dreams and losses. This can be a time for you to look over your health routines and see if there are needs for adjustments. You might feel more clear on changes you wish to make regarding your health, or feel more motivated to lay down positive routines and changes now. You might also become more clear on your feelings towards work matters, especially when it comes to routine tasks or sacrifices that you make for either your carrier or perhaps even your family. How do you feel about your commitments? Do they feel worthwhile and meaningful?

With Ketu in your twelfth, you might experience changes in your sleeping patterns or a time when your dream life becomes more active. You might also experience a time when your intuition becomes more active, or becoming more ‘intuitively selective’ or begin receiving intuitive wisdom about things. This can be a time where you benefit from taking some time for yourself, making time for your spiritual development or creating a meditation practice. This transit might also surface deeply rooted patterns, or bring up emotions from the past, that wants to be healed and released. This can be a time of great healing for you, both physically or emotionally. Overall, you might become more focused on health, healing and creating new, beneficial routines for yourself.


For you this takes place in your fifth house of creativity, passion and children and your eleventh house of goals, gains and social circles, so for you this can bring an increased focus on these areas. This is a time when you might also become more passionate about following your inner desires, what you long for in your heart to manifest. This could also bring new beginnings within your creative projects or your passion projects. If you’ve been striving to accomplish more than you realistically can manage and begin to feel the need to make adjustments in your priorities. What is it that you really wish to pursue? Which goals feel most meaningful to you? This could also surface any instance where you’re not following your heart or feeling like you want to make a change in your path, or maybe that you might start to question the path that you are on.

This is a time when you might become more selective with what long-term goals you wish to pursue, or what vision you wish to follow. Anything that feels excessive or out of alignment might naturally begin to fall away at this time. It could also be a time where you’re going through changes in your friendships or your social circles, it could be a time of old friends returning or other relationships falling away. Here you may receive insights about the true value of your friends, or how you prioritize those relationships. You might experience a change in social circles, or where some relationships have played their part and you are ready to let go.


For Sagittarius, this takes place in your fourth house of emotions and home and your tenth house of career and authority. This can bring up instances where you feel you might have neglected your emotional wellbeing here, or put the focus on your work/home life balance and whether you feel you need to adjust how you spend your energy or if you need to make any changes in your priorities. When Rahu moves into your fourth house, the focus can tilt toward spending more time at home or with your family, or making changes in the home, whether that be redecorating or touching up your home and making a more harmonious home environment. What changes do you wish to make in order to create more harmony in your life?

Ketu’a transit through your tenth house might surface feelings of dissatisfaction within your work or career, make you more critical of your work performance and bring light onto your true feelings about your job, if you are happy or whether you secretly long for a change. Maybe you’ve lost interest in your current role or projects and long for some new influences.


For you this takes place in your third house of interest, communication and close community and your ninth house of teachings, beliefs and higher learning, so for you this can bring an increased focus on these areas. You might begin to feel more clear about which path to follow, which interests are captivating your spirit, what message to communicate or which teachings you wish to follow. It might also surface your true feelings about your desires and interest or which projects you wish to be spending a lot of time and energy on and what no longer feels engaging.

This can be a time when you become a bit more selective about what kind of knowledge you seek, or when you experience a change in the kind of teachings that you follow. This can be a time of re-evaluating your belief systems, suddenly you might leave old beliefs behind, in order to pursue something closer to your heart and your current views. If you feel disillusioned by your teachers, or something no longer feels aligned, this can be a time of making changes.


For you this transit takes place in your second house of values, family and assets and your eighth house of deep emotions, insecurities and transformation. You might feel ready to make peace with things from the past now, or letting things from the past go. You may also become more clear on you values at this time, which values are truly yours, and which to let go and leave behind. It could also bring into focus your beliefs or patterns that you may hold about money or how you maintain your assets, and letting go of old ideas that no longer serve you.

Ketu transiting your eighth house might surface deep emotions, or past wounds, ready to be healed and released. Now can be a time where old insecurities rise to the surface, or when you feel strong aversions to certain people, situations or places, that makes you feel uneasy. Here, you might be in the process of healing old wounds, or transforming old emotional patterns that maybe surfaced recently. This can be a time where your intuition gets heightened, but also where the emotional intensity can make you want to avoid facing your insecurities. Be mindful of what is yours to deal with, and what may be affecting you from outside, as you might be more sensitive during this time. This could be a time of developing your intuition, or making peace with the deeper parts of yourself.


For you Pisces, this happens in your first house of self and individuality and your seventh house of relationships and partnerships, so for you this can bring an increased focus on these areas. This can put the spotlight on the balance in your relationships, and might bring up instances when you feel like the balance between your wants and desires, and those of your partner is out of alignment. This could bring your attention to situations where you feel like you’ve compromised too much, or where you feel like you’ve been giving away your power. This could also be a time where you’re becoming less inclined to compromise, and more intent on following your own path.

This can be a time when you may experience a change in direction, new goals beginning to form, new ambitions or changes in relationships. Be clear with your emotions and your intentions. Instances where you’ve suppressed or not listened to your inner self might surface during this transit, and you might feel drawn to make certain changes to address this. Be mindful of big changes and impulsive decisions, weigh your options before taking action. This transit has the potential for personal growth and self-improvement, so make use of this transit to step into a new chapter of personal growth.

Many blessings,

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Food for thought…
"The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections."
— Tahereh Mafi
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