New Moon in Rohini

New Moon in Rohini nakshatra, in Taurus ♉︎

Monday May 30th 13:30 CET

This New Moon will be in the nakshatra Rohini, which resides completely within the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Rohini, the growing one, is called ‘the star of ascent’ and is ruled by the Moon, creating a Moon-Venus energy in this nakshatra.

The ruler Prajapati, the creator (who is said to be an earlier version of Brahma the creator), provides a yearning for experiences of the senses and of manifesting ones desires in the material world, something that also points to the shadow side of Rohini, which can be materialistic and over-indulgent.

Rohini represents innocence, charm and beauty and mythologically, this is symbolised by the tale of Rohini being the favourite wife of the Moon, captivating him with her alluring beauty to the point of making him neglect all the other wives, represented by the 27 nakshatras.

New Moon in Rohini

Rohini is symbolised by a chariot, a vehicle drawn by horses, which shows the strength and activity that is found in this nakshatra. There is a strong desire for initiating new projects and immersing oneself in creative outlets here and this New Moon can really spark the desire for creating something new.

On the day of the New Moon, Mars ans Jupiter will be in exact conjunction at 9° of Pisces (read more about that in my earlier post here), creating an opportune occasion for deepening your spiritual practice, or seeking higher knowledge. The term that comes to mind with this conjunction is ‘spiritual warrior’, and the New Moon will certainly be influenced with that energy 🏹🔥📿

New Moons are favourable for going within, doing spiritual practices and for planting the seeds of your desired manifestations, and especially while in Rohini, the nakshatra that is known for pulling the Devine forces into material creations!

Some questions for reflection:

All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle..
Be the light! 🕯✨

What’s my heart’s true desire?
What do I long to create?
How can I be of service in my community?
Am I happy with my spiritual practice, or do I need to ignite my spiritual fire?

New Moon blessings!

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"To save yourself, first destroy the you that you were told to be."— The Dreamer
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