Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces May 17 – June 26

On Tuesday, May 17th, Mars, the planet of courage and principles moves into the watery sign of Pisces where Jupiter is currently transiting as well, bringing a new sense of urgency to our spirituality.

A while into this Mars transit in Pisces, it will meet up with Jupiter, resulting in a planetary war between the two. With this happening in Pisces, the sign that deals with letting go, empathy as well as our intuition and spirituality, this transit can truly ignite our spiritual fire.

Mars is the planet that stands up for our beliefs, who provides us with courage and fights for our principles as well as provides us with the discipline necessary to follow our daily practices.

Jupiter is the planet of hope, inspiration and the belief systems we adhere to, and represents our teachers as well as teachings that we follow. When these two meet there will be an added focus on the spiritual principles that we live after, and can result in either a change in beliefs, or infusing our current beliefs with new spiritual fire.

Mars transit in Pisces

With this planetary transit occurring in the sign of Pisces, there is an added sense of wanting to expand spiritually, to share our beliefs with the collective and reaching new heights in our practices. Pisces being the last zodiac sign also brings an energy of letting go, of releasing things that hold us back in the material, so this transit can also bring an evaluation of the teachings or teachers that we are following and letting go of outdated beliefs that we may hold.

This Mars-transit can really bring out our inner spiritual warrior, so use the energy toward realising your goals and to be of service. This is really the time to apply yourself and be disciplined, and you may feel an added sense of determination during this time as well, which can work in your favour on your spiritual journey.

Happy Mars-transit and many blessings!

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Food for thought…
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