Wow, time really goes by fast! It’s been a while since I last posted anything. I usually work or study while my son sleeps during the day, but these last weeks he’s been sleeping less and so I’ve had less time to write. Well, now my little angel is sleeping, so here’s a post for today!

Gemini, ruled by quick Mercury (see what I did there?😉) gives a fast-paced mind, with new ideas constantly rising. This is also given by the fact that the element of the sign is air, which has to do with mind and communication. Gemini represent the intellect, thoughts, writing, quick changes and freedom to follow their feelings. Geminis are often very impressionable, with Moon ruling the second house. Though they change interests quickly, they follow their heart, because the ruler of the ascendant also ruler the fourth house of emotions. Once they’ve made up their minds about something, they can be a bit stubborn, because then it’s attached to a feeling. Geminis have a lot of creative energy, but it usually takes a more expressive, rather than aesthetic, form, they could do well as writers. Gemini rules the lungs, the shoulders, arms and hands – Geminis often talk with their hands. The signature phrase for Gemini is ‘I think’.

Wish you a nice day!



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Food for thought…
"Desire is the memory of pleasure and fear is the memory of pain. Both
 make the mind restless."— Nisargadatta Maharaj
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