Full Moon in Punarvasu

Full Moon in Punarvasu January 7th

Saturday January 7th, 00:07 CET, 22° Gemini

Full Moon of bringing back the light and re-calibrating our vision.

Punarvasu ‘the star of renewal’

This Full Moon is happening in the nakshatra Punarvasu, in Gemini. Punarvasu means ’return of light’, or ’return of prosperity’. Punarvasu has two parts; punar: “repeat” and vasu: “jewel” or “light”. Punarvasu is called ‘the star of renewal’ and is symbolized by a quiver of arrows, so it’s about taking aim and reaping the rewards.

Punarvasu is home to the goddess Aditi the cosmic mother who gave birth to all gods. Aditi also brings the energy of abundance to this nakshatra, she represents freedom, wealth and the abundance of the earth. The planetary ruler is Jupiter, within Mercury’s sign of Gemini, creating a Jupiter-Mercury energy with this nakshatra, creating a fondness for intellectual debates and philosophical pastimes. There is also a curios, inquisitive quality to this nakshatra, providing an aptitude for studying and writing.

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This Full Moon will receive the aspect of retrograde Mercury, so our communicative abilities might be affected during this time, yet the Sun in Sagittarius will receive the special aspect of retrograde Mars, which can make for heated arguments and (self-)righteous thinking. Mars is the planet of argumentation and wanting to be right, and in Sagittarius this pertains to our ideals, visions and arguing for our beliefs. Yet, with Mercury retrograde, we may lose some of our tactfulness and ability to composedly express our opinions as well, so this might not be the ideal time for arguing or heated debates.

Full Moon in Punarvasu

During this Full Moon we may instead focus on building our long-term goals, identifying potential flaws in our vision and making a clear plan of action for moving forward as we are moving into the new year. Punarvasu is a nakshatra of taking aim, but it also denotes quick thinking and movability, so here is an opportunity to re-address our vision and adjusting what needs amending without losing momentum, and aiming for going with the flow and remaining flexible.

Some questions for reflection this Full Moon:

❧ What do I need to let go of, in order to realize my goals?
❧ Are my goals aligned with my higher vision, or do I need to make some adjustments?
❧ Do I have a clear, step-by-step plan to follow, supporting the attainability of my goals?
❧ What would I like to bring into fruition this year of 2023?

May your radiance shine brightly all around you!

Happy Full Moon! 🌕

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