full moon in swati april 24 2024
The moon will reach peak fullness in the sign of Libra, in a nakshatra by the name of Swati, ‘the sword’, providing a forceful and magnetic energy to this full moon!
new moon solar eclipse in pisces april 8 2024

New moon and solar eclipse in Revati 
New moon and solar eclipse in RevatiMonday April 8th, […]
astrology update for april 2024
Astrology update for April 2024 Astrology update for April 2024 Mercury retrograde in Aries Apr 2Venus […]
Planetary transits for April 2023 Planetary transits for April 2023 ❧Jupiter combust Apr 1-27❧ Full Moon […]
planetary transits for april
Planetary transits for April 2022 ❧ New Moon 17° Pisces April 1❧ Venus in Aquarius April […]
Food for thought…
"No one needs to fear the stars. They don't limit our destiny, only point out possibilities. The stars, the planets, and the very study of the zodiac can transform our lives."— Cybernatics
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